Wahlpflichtmodule EMR

ModuleTitleLV TypeCPLVDatesExamination
Applied Geochemistry and Mineral DepositsHydrothermal Systems and Petrological and Geochemical MethodsFach-/Modulprüfung6478570
Hydrothermal Systems (@ AMC (SS 23): Overlap with "Surface Engineering...")Vorlesung471381Mo 10:30-12:00 Be 114 (1140|114) (×2)
Mo 10:30-12:00 Be 326, Wüllnerstr. 2 (1140|326) (×10)
Petrological and Geochemical MethodsÜbung471784Mo 12:15-13:00 Be 114 (1140|114) (×2)
Mo 12:15-13:00 Be 326, Wüllnerstr. 2 (1140|326) (×10)
Mo 13:15-14:00 Be 114 (1140|114) (×2)
Mo 13:15-14:00 Be 326, Wüllnerstr. 2 (1140|326) (×10)
Geological Planning and Development and Operations GeologyOperations GeologyFach-/Modulprüfung3495691
Portfolio Management and Prospect EvaluationFach-/Modulprüfung3476556
Geology and Geochemistry of Fossil FuelsGeology of Coal and Natural Gas and Petroleum Geology and GeochemistryFach-/Modulprüfung6477113
Geology of Coal and Natural GasVorlesung472420Di 08:30-10:00 GED/NUG 408, Lochnerstr. 4-20 (1540|408) (×12)
Petroleum Geology and Geochemistry (@ EMR/REM (SS 23): Overlap with "Geothermics - Group 2")Vorlesung/Übung473206Mo 08:30-10:00 Fk 9 (1541|209) (×11)
Geostatistical ModelingGeostatistical ModelingFach-/Modulprüfung3478352
Geostatistical Theories, Data and ModelsFach-/Modulprüfung3478763
Geostatistical Theories, Data and Models (1st half of term)Vorlesung471228Di 10:30-12:00 LIH 504, Lochnerstr. 4-20 (1540|504) (×13)
Fr 10:30-12:00 LIH 504, Lochnerstr. 4-20 (1540|504) (×12)
Geostatistical Modeling (1st half of term)Übung472868Mi 12:30-14:00 GED/NUG 408, Lochnerstr. 4-20 (1540|408) (×1)
Mi 12:30-14:00 LIH 504, Lochnerstr. 4-20 (1540|504) (×9)
Fr 08:30-10:00 LIH 504, Lochnerstr. 4-20 (1540|504) (×11)
GeothermicsVorlesung470882Mi 08:30-10:00 LIH 504, Lochnerstr. 4-20 (1540|504) (×13)
Geothermics - Practicals and ExercisesÜbung470881Mo 08:30-10:00 GED/NUG 408, Lochnerstr. 4-20 (1540|408) (×11)
Mo 14:30-16:00 GED/NUG 408, Lochnerstr. 4-20 (1540|408) (×11)
Inorganic Environmental GeochemistryInorganic Environmental Geochemistry (Lecture)Fach-/Modulprüfung3476763
Inorganic Environmental Geochemistry (Seminar)Fach-/Modulprüfung3477833
Methods in Remote Sensing and GeoModelingRemote Sensing of Sedimentary BasinsFach-/Modulprüfung3477979
Structural Geological ModelsFach-/Modulprüfung3477933
Micro-scale Mineralogy of Siliciclastic RocksGeochemistry in Fluid-Rock Interactions in Clastic Sedimentary RocksFach-/Modulprüfung3476195
Mineralogy of Clastic Sedimentary RocksFach-/Modulprüfung3478739
Mineral Exploration and Resource EstimationMineral ExplorationFach-/Modulprüfung3476005
Modeling Techniques in Economic GeologyFach-/Modulprüfung3476006
Petroleum SystemsSedimentary Basin Dynamics and Petroleum Systems ModellingFach-/Modulprüfung6475367
Reservoir Geology and ModelingMachine Learning in GeosciencesFach-/Modulprüfung3478762
Reservoir CharacterizationFach-/Modulprüfung3478631
Reservoir Characterization (Planned as short course in presence in June 2023)Vorlesung473995Mo 14:30-18:00 Be 114 (1140|114) (×1)
Di 10:30-18:00 Be 114 (1140|114) (×1)
Mi 08:30-12:00 Be 114 (1140|114) (×1)
Do 08:30-18:00 Be 114 (1140|114) (×1)
Machine Learning in GeosciencesVorlesung/Übung471670Do 14:30-16:00 CG3 403 (Virtual Lab) (1540|403) (×11)
Do 14:30-16:00 LIH 507 (CIP-Pool), Lochnerstr. 4-20 (1540|507) (×11)